International Formation Sessions

"I am the Way, the Truth and the Life"

Additional presentations and documents will be available shortly. You will receive an email when it is published.

Welcome to the International Session in Oropa, Italy! This gathering is a precious opportunity for us to exchange ideas, enrich one another, and experience internationality among couples from diverse cultures.

Over the next few days, we'll delve into crucial topics for our spiritual growth, preparing us for the missions to which the Lord calls us. Let's embrace this session as a gift and recognize that our lives are continual processes of formation, guided by the Holy Spirit.

We're grateful for your presence and hope our work will be smooth yet filled with free thought, strong faith, and adherence to Teams of Our Lady's message of hope. May the Lord's gaze be upon you, rewarding you abundantly.

The Organizing Team

Join us on Telegram


Oropa Playlist

As we prepare for our upcoming formation session, we want to share something that could add a fun and motivating element to our time together, the MEETING PLAYLIST!!

Let's make this training session an uplifting experience, energized by the melodies that inspire and motivate us. As we sing together, may it unite us and fill our hearts with a sense of peace and appreciation for the marvels around us.
